Su Ah and I were rewatching Wong Fu when they were at OSU in 2007 and apparently girl at 2:47 and 4:05 is Su Ah's roommate. :O How crazy is that?! LOL We are both so shocked and just did not expect to see that
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- 2:47 AWWW. They are so much more than nice guys. - 4:11 I really hope they meant ERIN at Middleburg HEIGHTS, Ohio. D: (Next time I'll write a letter...) - I've been trying to buy more of their shirts, but it won't accept my card. :(
Same phone, same eraser, same iPod.Speaking of iPods... Last week I went into these tiny ass bathroom stalls and my iPod fell and slid under the crack into the stall next to me. I reached for it, but I accidentally pushed it more into the stall. I reached to get it even though there was someone in there. She seemed okay with it. Funny, yet
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I just spent the last two hours watching Wong Fu Productions on youtube. Ugh, I was doing so good not procrastinating! I'm getting tired of reading and reading and reading my boring text books. Well anyway, those guys are really cool. :D